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DIET DESTINATIONS; The perfect places to keep the pounds off on holiday.

After a generation of low-fat fads, Atkins controversially encouraged a diet of red meat, bacon, cream and butter. The A-list - plus Geri Halliwell - went super-skinny by stuffing their faces with fat.


ATKINS heaven, where the women are svelte, the men are red-blooded and the national dish is red meat. The average Argentine consumes over 60kg (132lb) of beef a year.

But be warned, this is not meateating for the fainthearted: dishes include cow's intestine ( chinchulines) and tongue (lengua).

MENU: Breakfast: Fried eggs and ham (huevos fritos con jamon), Lunch: Tenderloin steak (bife de lomo) Dinner: Roast suckling pig (cochinillo) AVOID: Say no gracias to empanadas (pies) and Mendoza's world-class wines.

DON'T GO TO: Southern India and Thailand. South Asia can be Atkins hell with carbohydrate-heavy, predominantly vegetarian cuisine.


IT'S not about low carbs or low fat, according to the South Beach Diet, but the right carbs and the right fats.

Dr Agatston, a cardiologist from the University of Miami, invented this glycaemic index-based diet and made Florida the world's new diet capital.